Dueling BilloCam

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Billo's Java Script Pages
Like the clock in the bottom, right -hand corner of this page,
most of these scripts were provided by
The JavaScript Source.
Click here for a Live BilloCam Pop-up.


Click on the links below to experience web pages using Java Script.

Billo's Fireworks Click on the screen to see a spectacular fireworks display!
Billo's Front Door A custom message follows your cursor.
Billo's WatchCam A custom message follows your cursor.
Billo's Model Cars A custom message follows your cursor.
BilloCam Screens A custom message follows your cursor.
Live BilloCam Screens A custom message follows your cursor.
3D Orbiting Message This orbiting 3-D message follows your cursor around the screen.
Billo's Family Photo's Opens a small window then expands it vertically and horizontally.
The Girls A cool image effect. Difficult to explain. Just do it!
Tayler & Camryn Tayler and Camryn's head follows your cursor.
Tayler Java Tayler's head follows your cursor. Small image turns into large one.
Tayler Mosaic Tayler's head follows your cursor.
Tayler Standard Tayler's head follows your cursor.
Camryn Java Camryn's head follows your cursor. Small image turns into large one.
Camryn Mosaic Camryn's head follows your cursor.
Camryn Standard Camryn's head follows your cursor.
Elastic BilloHeads Billo's head follows your cursor.
Billo's HeadCrawlers 8 BilloHeads follow your cursor.
Billo's HeadBounce Bounce Billo's Head from anywhere on the page.
BilloCam Frames Different effects follow your cursor. Frames version.
BilloCam No-Frames A sparkle follows your cursor. No-Frames version.
BilloHead Spinner Watch the BilloHead spin.
Color Chooser A great way to pick colors for your web site.
Floating Java Clock A cool clock follows your cursor.
Silly Java Clock Another cool clock that follows your cursor.
Java Click Clock When you click on the message the time is displayed.
Dynamic Java Calendar Allows you to look up the date for any month/year. Cool!
Billo's Seizure Just take a look and see what happens.
California Earthquake You choose the severity of an earthquake.
Family Birthdays Which day of the week were you born?
Eyeballs Eyeballs follow your cursor.
Cool Sites A comet follows your cursor.
GuestBook A comet follows your cursor.
Screen Shots A clock floats in the bottom-right corner of browser.
Image Rollovers The image changes as the mouse passes over it.

 : Front Door : Home : Minor's : Oddonetto's : Nunn's
 : Photo Archive Screens : Billo2001 : Cool Sites
 : My Sony DSC-D770 : My P-III 500 : Elastic BilloHeads
 : Heather's Wedding : Eri's Wedding : Tay & Cam : Thelma & Louise
Family Photos  : View GuestBook : Sign GuestBook : Table of Contents : Keyword Search : Top
Dueling BilloCam
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 : Front Door : Home : Streaming BilloCam
Dueling BilloCams  : My Cars : WristWatchPhotos : My Office : BilloCam Screens
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